Tooth Care Information
Skylar’s Resume
Spanish DreamHouse
My 1st Week Back to School
My first week back to school was great! It’s kind of scary starting a new chapter in my life as a freshman. Everything in high school is so different, in high school the classes are spred apart across the whole school unlike the middle school. All of the teachers are so strict on how they want you to be. I really like high school here!
Food Origin Misconceptions
Math Song
Equations Imovie
Spring Poem
Good-bye, Snow .
Good-bye, Hats, Gloves, and Scarves .
Good-bye, winter.
Spring’s ahead!
Good-bye, Hot Chocolate .
Good-bye, Wintery Days .
Good-bye, winter.
Spring, hello!
Hello, Bright Colored Leaves .
Hello, Cooler Clothes .
Good-bye, winter.
Spring’s in sight!
Hello, Sunny Brighty Days .
Hello, Warmer Days .
Good-bye, winter!
Hello, spring!
Hope Poem
If hope could be a color
It would be Green
As grass as money
If hope could be a taste
It would be Apple Juice
If hope could be a smell
It would be Vanilla Coffee
If hope could be a sound
It would be A Chu Chu Train
If hope could be a feeling
It would be Love
If hope could be an animal
It would be a Giraffe